• komunikasi.umm.ac.id.

Vision and Mission of Communication Science Programme



Becoming a Study Program that has competitiveness in the development of knowledge and skills in the field of communication that is based on Islamic values. 


  1. Organizing education to develop the mindset, insight, and skills of students in the field of Communication Science, which is oriented toward the media literacy movement
  2. Promoting research activities among lecturers and students regarding community problems with communication dimensions
  3. Promoting community services in the field of communication that focus on community empowerment
  4. Intensifying the training activities in the fields of public relations, journalism, and media studies, as well as audio-visual communication
  5. Organizing cooperation with various parties in the framework of the development of science and the application of institutional communication technology


  1. Producing graduates who have competence in public relations, audio-visual communication, as well as journalism, and media studies 
  2. Producing graduates who have access to various relevant parties to improve institutional performance and cooperation 
  3. Producing research work with adequate communication dimensions for the academic community and the general public 
  4. Producing graduates who are committed to community empowerment based on media literacy